William Coniam

Write-in Candidate
Dysart Unified School District Governing Board

[Coniam is pronounced ko-nee-um]

 Write-in "William Coniam" for Dysart USD Governing Board
(3 seats are up for election on November 5, 2024)

Moderate. Non-Partisan. Voice of Reason.

Our public schools job is, first and foremost, to educate our youth.  
I do not believe that partisan political agendas belong in our classrooms or board room.
The only "agenda" I'm interested in is what will result in the best educational outcome for the children.

If elected, I will bring a fresh perspective to the board, examine the issues rationally and critically, and provide a voice of reason.
I will do my best to make decisions that are in the best interest of our children and community, while maintaining fiscal responsibility.

We need elected representatives who put their communities first, not their partisan political agendas.
We need to bring people with different backgrounds and perspectives together and work collaboratively to solve our most-pressing problems.
Let's work together to move Dysart forward.

William Coniam, blue suit, red and white tie, trees in background